Striving for Happiness in Life

I don’t have all of the answers to your problems, strife’s’, conundrums, or dealings, but what I can offer up are suggestions that make you look at yourself and your place in this world. If you stand back, think about your life, career, children, finances, goodwill, or any other component of your life, I know that you have some kind of feeling towards any of these spokes on the wheel.

Try to look at these spokes individually and assess, as the year comes to a close, what successes and setbacks you’ve had with each and make an actual list. Don’t make it in your head, type it or take pen to paper. I’ll give you a minute to do this.

Take a look at what you’ve written. How does this make you feel? Have you had a productive year? A sub-par year? So-so?, or do you feel indifferent. A key to being happy is knowing what you want out of your life and feeling fulfilled with those people, places, and things that surround you.

In my quest for happiness; I’ve learned that there is no single “key” to this. Be grateful for those who are in your life and what you already have working for you. Chances are someone really does have it worse off than you do. Turn that into happiness by finding these people at a local food bank or homeless shelter; offer some of your time to help those in need.

Stop trying to compare yourself or your success to others. This one is a major obstacle for most people. You aren’t anyone but yourself. It only wastes time and energy to second guess yourself and think that other choices would lead you to certain success.

Lastly, if you aren’t sure what to do, don’t feel afraid to seek counseling. This is still somewhat taboo in today’s society but professional assistance can help you go a long way to feeling content with your life. This isn’t just limited to therapy. You can also find career coaches to assist you, or marriage counselors to give guidance to heal a broken relationship. There are many options at your disposal.

Keep in mind that nobody knows yourself better than you; your wants, needs, goals, ambitions, health. No one else can take control of your life. While you can ultimately seek assistance, it is only you that can write the book of your life.

As Oscar Wilde once brilliantly said, “Be yourself; everyone else is taken.”


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The Art of Composting

I wouldn’t be a good environmental advocate if I didn’t discuss the act of composting. As the title of this post suggests, it is kind of an art. The benefits outweigh the time spent, and of course, it’s great for the environment! You may... Continue →